Fight Home Invasions with Awareness

To avoid becoming a victim of a home invasion is to understand what exactly constitutes a home invasion and why criminals are choosing to commit this kind of crime as opposed to other kinds of crime. Home invasions are on the rise and are often the single most dangerous situation homeowners can encounter. Unlike burglaries, home invasions occur when the occupants of a house are at home and have a high probability of coming face-to-face with the intruder. Most families do not understand the high level of danger associated with home invasions, simply because they are not aware that some criminals find it easier to commit them than other forms of crime.

The first step toward avoiding becoming a victim of a home invasion is to understand what exactly constitutes a home invasion and why criminals are choosing to commit this kind of crime as opposed to other kinds of crime.

First, criminals have learned that home invasions are easier and safer to commit than robbing a liquor store, and they are likely to get greater rewards as well. Homeowners are not constantly thinking about someone breaking into their homes, so they are at a disadvantage when someone decides to force his way in. The criminal has the element of surprise in his favor and he knows how to use it to get what he wants. In addition, houses are full of belongings that can be sold for quick cash, and because criminals are usually careful to choose homes that do not have home security systems installed, they can spend more time getting what they want without much risk of being caught.

So, now you know why criminals are choosing home invasions over other kinds of crime. The next lesson is how you can avoid becoming a victim.

1. Always lock your doors, even if you are at home. Give a neighbor a spare key, but do not keep one anywhere outside of your home. Burglars know where all the hiding places are.

2. Close your blinds or curtains at night. Windows are great for seeing outside, but remember that people can see inside as well, making you more vulnerable.

3. If you are home by yourself, turn on lights in various parts of the house to make it appear that other people are home. You might also consider leaving a television on in an empty room so that its flickers can be seen from outside.

4. Whenever you drive to your house, be vigilant. Home intruders often follow their victims home to case out their target. They might not break in that night, but they will return at a later point in time. Simply be on the lookout for strange vehicles that follow you home.

5. Install a home security system. Since criminals try to choose houses that are most vulnerable, they will often avoid houses that have burglar systems installed. Advertise your system with signs and stickers and be sure to always arm it even if you are at home.

Learn More  How to Defense Your Home From  Intruder With EJ Owen a professional firearms trainer, author of CounterViolence, and consultant to the U.S. Dept. of Defense (classified) at here


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